Making the Most

My apologies for the late post. It's been a busy week, doing an out-of-town rotation in surgery, while taking the weekends to visit my wife and son.

Regardless, I thought I'd write on a topic that we all inevitably come across - what do I do with rotations vastly different than what I want to do?

Or, put another way, how do I make the most of it?

I'm not planning to be a surgeon - for one, my scores are nowhere near an ideal surgery candidate's - but I will likely end up referring patients to surgery at some point in time. So, then, I need to be familiar with what a surgeon can and cannot do. I also need to know what level of workup makes a surgeon's job easier, what an appropriate, judicious workup looks like, what the various labs and images will tell me before I order them, and what amount of communication about past medical history, comorbidities, etc. are both necessary and appreciated.

I need to know what being a good doctor looks like, not only vertically, in the care of my patients, but horizontally, in my interactions with my peers across different specialties. And to that aim, I will make the most.


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